Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 1, 2012

 The AP’s are here with our Elders and all of them are coming over for dinner.  I am making great chicken…hope they like it!!  And cupcakes…!! Okay what’s not to love about great chicken and chocolate cupcakes.

The AP’s (assistants to the President in the mission) chose to spend the night with us instead of the Elders. I think it may have something to do with the much nicer beds we have but I’m not positive. They are two great missionaries and no matter why they stayed here we enjoyed their company and stories from the mission. Elder Lebala is from Botswana and Elder Bryers is from Australia.  Elder Lebala is very dynamic and spent the beginning of his mission here in Port Alfred and is excited to see the members he knew from before.  They will leave tomorrow after church to head back to Port Elizabeth where they will catch a flight to Cape Town where they serve.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing!! There is NOTHING better than great chicken and chocolate cupcakes!!! :)
