Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 6, 2013

 Well, it is Sunday again and it seems we always finish with a new adventure of some kind.  Both Rick and I taught two lessons today.  He ended up teaching the youth Sunday school class and YM and I taught the primary and YW lessons.  I knew I had the primary lesson but thought the YW’s was covered. However, the counselor in the YW had been away last week and did not communicate with the YW president about the lesson she taught last week. The president prepared the same one but luckily, I had gone over the lessons for YW, since it was the new program and I was going to help the presidency put it all together, and taught the next lesson.  They really haven’t connected on the program yet and need to coordinate better, it seems.  We will get there, just a huge learning curve!  Rick knew about YM, but, wasn’t sure about Sunday school, since the teacher has not made it in three weeks.  She was how ever in Sacrament Meeting. It was fast and testimony and was embarrassed by what someone said during their testimony, (they told a story and used her name) so she gathered her family up and left right after the meeting.  So, Rick taught Sunday school for the youth, also.  Sometimes the intrigue gets a little much here…so many cultural things!  We did some visits after church and hopefully helped to minimize the damage and share the principal of forgiveness with them.


  1. Oh my... every Sunday an adventure!! I have to be honest-- it DOES sound a little more entertaining than the typical Harrisonburg 1st ward! I would love to be a fly on the wall of your chapel!

  2. Wow, good luck with it all....I think I'll keep our problems to ourselves. Getting paint off the carpet, walls, and floors--oh and not to mention Brianne's hair, face, feet and mouth is much better.
