Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 2, 2012

 Fast Sunday today and Rick gets to conduct for the whole month.  I am sure Brother Canny (Nobebe) and Brother Hola are happy about that.  They both don’t like conducting, but they do just fine and both are trying very hard to do it right.  Fast and Testimony meetings always seem to be wonderful and today was no exception.  So many people bear their testimony and you can feel the Spirit so strong when they share their sincere testimonies.
Our Elders came for dinner, but first wanted to have a “district inventory”. Since Elder Scicluna is our district leader, he can call one of these meetings.  We were a little nervous because we figured they wanted to school us about something.  Well…as it turns out, they were feeling we were having a hard time this last week and just wanted to be of help.  They told us they enjoyed being able to come here and it felt like home to them.  Elder Scicluna said they could come over after a hard day and talk about their trials of the day or when they had good days they could come over and share that with us, as well, and felt comfortable doing so.  They wanted us to know it is nice to be able to talk about their day with us. We do spend a lot of time with them and have learned to love them dearly.  Elder Scicluna will be leaving on the next transfer, which will be in a week and a half.  We will really miss him. It was nice to know we have been of help to both of them.  I think the hardest part of the mission is sending our missionaries on to other places.  They mean so much to us.

1 comment:

  1. I bet it WILL be hard to send your missionaries on their way! ... but between you and me, I was kinda hoping to hear a story of them wanting to school you... :)
