February 25, 2013
Since it is p-day and the senior couples haven’t gotten together for a while, Elder Van Sickle set up a dinner meeting in Port Elizabeth for all of us. We ate at the Blue Waters CafĂ©, which is right along the beach.Rick ordered a pasta dish with springbok in it. Springbok is a small antelope, very beautiful and quite tasty.
I think this satisfies the quest to eat local cuisine…the springbok, I mean. This is just for Elizabeth…yeah…in Port Elizabeth!!! It wasn’t bad covered in a great sauce. Yes, I did taste it. We drove back to Port Alfred and got home about 9:30…not too bad. It was nice to visit with other couples. All of us (the Van Sickles, Boyces, Stokoes and us) enjoyed it. The only couple who couldn’t make it was the Sherberts. They had S&I people from Joberg in town. Right now there are only 5 couples in the Eastern Cape area…there has been 7 couples. We are supposed to be getting another one in a couple of weeks who will probably be in Grahamstown.