Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23, 2012

 Today is the two month mark for being out on mission. Just a note… a couple of days ago Rick took me to the store and purchased a pair of fleece pajamas…..much warmer now. 

This morning I once again baking cookies for another baptism. This one was for Tanisha Denston.  Her family was baptized last week, however, she turned 8 two days after their baptism so she had to wait until today.   Yesterday Rick interviewed her for baptism and she requested that Elder Stumm baptize her.  That was a big surprise.  We thought she would certainly want Elder Scicluna, who taught the family the gospel, to baptize her and we asked her three times just to make sure.  Nope….Elder Stumm!  

While I was baking cookies for the baptism, Rick and the missionaries were back at the investigators home with the big bad tree and with the new chainsaw Rick got this last Tuesday. They made short order of the project.  RRRRR….more power!!!!!

The Elders did all the work teaching Tanisha but Rick had the privilege at 2pm today of baptizing his first person in South Africa.

The baptismal font is outside and was quite cold.  It took her breath away as it did with her family last week.

 We forgot to bring Rick’s baptismal clothes to the church, so he would just wear something from the church….a jumpsuit. He didn’t have dry garments to wear so he simply dried them as best he could with a towel and went on with the rest of the program.  She will be confirmed tomorrow at church. 


  1. What a cutie!!! I could just hug that girl!!
    She's got such a wonderful smile.

  2. Seriously, what a cute little girl!! ...and now a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! I love it!

  3. I love the baptismal photos! They say a thousand words! Not just "BRRRR". President Stumm looks great. Glad you are all so happy! Keep up the awesome work!
