Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10, 2012

Sunday always brings new adventures.  Because of the bad weather, a lot of people didn’t make it to church.  One of those who didn’t make it was a scheduled speaker. No problem, this lesson was learned earlier and President Stumm was prepared “just in case of” and filled the time.  The bad part for me was the speaker is also the chorister, so guess who ended up leading the music.  Yep…me.  That is all well and fine I can do that, except here, the chorister sings the first line of the hymn to give the pitch for people to start on (no one plays the piano here) and then the congregation sings the song.  Well that’s not going to work. I’m probably the most pitch challenged singer around and me getting them off on the correct pitch just ain’t gonna happen, plus I am just plain chicken. President Stumm saw the pure terror in my eyes, was filled with compassion and sang the first line for me.  I love that man!!! 
Our favorite beggar/drunk must have over slept because we made it all the way through Sacrament meeting before he blessed us with his presence. When he came, I was in primary and didn’t know about it until later, but he was extra drunk this time and obnoxious. He was again escorted out after a number of loud verbal exchanges colored the air. About 10 minutes later he was back, so this time the police were called and they hauled him off in a paddy wagon.  We really feel sad for him and would like to help but all he wants to do is beg for money and if he doesn’t get any he just causes trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, this one had me laughing outloud!! I second your sentiments!! I would have DIED ON THE SPOT had I been expected to sing the first line of the song!! ... only in my case, my dear husband doesn't sing either, so he would have just looked at me and smiled... mouthing the words, "sucker". Fun blog post to read!
