Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29, 2012

 We checked on Sister Dell, as she had some surgery to remove a needle from her heel.  She had a sore foot for a while and it didn’t get better so she had an x-ray that showed a needle stuck straight into her heal and touching the bone.  A doctor here in Port Alfred tried but couldn’t get it out, so she had to go to Port Elizabeth.  She spent all day and night sitting in a chair in the waiting room in casualty (emergency) care waiting to be admitted or to see a doctor. Finally one of the doctors took pity on her, took her into a room and got it out in five minutes. She is 69 and not in really good health but was given a blessing before she left and was told she had more people to help and would be OK. She is just a neat lady, and we love her to death.  She is back home now and doing fine, just recovering from her long ordeal.
At 3 pm today we left to go to East London for a zone conference tomorrow.  All of the senior couples in the East London Zone (Elder and Sister Fowers, Elder and Sister Nye and us)are having dinner with President and Sister Wood and the Second Councilor in the Area Presidency and his wife, Elder Carl B. Cook of the First Quorum of the Seventy.   We ate at Grazia’s in East London.  It was a very nice evening and the food was great.  President Cook and his wife are both very gracious, humble, knowledgeable, it was a pleasure listening and talking to them.


  1. Ouch!! that's gotta hurt! Poor gal, I'm glad she's feeling better...and will back on her feet running around soon!!

  2. Geez. Having to sit in a waiting room chair all day and all night... the things we take for granted!! I'm glad she's home and doing better!
