Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 11, 2012 

 Saturday at 10:00 is service time.  We went to the church where Rick worked on the garden we are starting there with the missionaries (Elder Scicluna and Elder Dale), Brother Canny, and Brother Hola.  As they were working on the garden area, I cleaned the church building, emptied waste baskets and vacuumed.  At 3:00 we left to go to Kenton on Sea to visit a couple we had met at church the previous Sunday, Angus and Jeannie Gother, and who had invited us to “tea”. 

Brother Gother used to live in South Africa but moved to Scotland for a job, was introduced to his current wife by the missionaries who were teaching him, and joined the church. He later married Jeannie and is now serving on the High Council in Aberdeen, Scotland.  It is always fun to meet new people here and learn how life is for them. He works with computers, makes very good money and they travel quite a bit.  They are both converts, just not at the same time.  They were married in the Prescott England Temple about 5 years ago.


  1. What interesting people you get to meet. ... and to be invited to "tea"... Very cool!

  2. How neat to meet some really great people...also, I love the sweater Mom.
