Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 30, 2013

 Our branch had our first baptism since last November today.  It has been pretty slow here.  However, Sune’ Van Rensburg, Sister Van Rensburgs daughter, decided it was time for her to join the church.  She is 15 and is very educated in the gospel and has a great testimony. 

  Elder Van Zyl baptized her and Elder Davuke will confirm her tomorrow.  She had asked Sister Vulindlu to speak about baptism so the elders called her last night and she declined.  However, this morning she called Rick and told him she felt she should speak since Sune’ was in her class (Sister Vulindlu is the 1st councilor in the YW presidency).  She has been a member since last July; this was a big step for her deciding she should do it.  She did a fantastic job!  This was Elder Van Zyls’ first baptism on mission or ever…and he only had to dunk her once! Since it is Easter holiday weekend, a lot of the members and investigators are out of town. Neither the Elders nor us had appointments to go to this weekend.  Yes, another slow week.  Thank goodness holidays don’t happen too often…we like being busy.

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