Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7, 2013

 Well, thank goodness, our water was back on last night by bedtime.  So, a nice shower was enjoyed by both of us.  Not so yesterday!  Today, we had a surprise visit by the AP’s, Elder Zarbock and Elder Tuckett.  

 They were on their way to East London and wanted to stop by and say HI.  Yes, they were hungry…word gets around that we will feed the missionaries…and we did.

We home teach/visit teach Christina Tsikira and we saw her tonight.  She loved the butter cake I made for Christmas and always likes to get some, so I did so today.  We also brought her some lasagna for her dinner.  She is from Zimbabwe and here without any family.  She works 7 days a week right now and never gets to church, but would like to find a different job so she can.  Trouble is, that is very hard to do here in Port Alfred.  Other members have the same problem. Wish they would get the tithing thing figured out!

1 comment:

  1. We had a Sister Tuckett leave our area not so long ago.
    The butter cake sounds yummy!
